

Indoor air quality is important for health and comfort, yet it’s easy to overlook one of the simplest ways to keep the air in your home clean – changing your air filters regularly. Air filters play a vital role in reducing dust, allergens, and other pollutants in the air passing through your home’s HVAC system. As these filters capture particulates, they can become clogged and less effective over time. Replacing them on schedule is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. Our filter delivery program makes this easy by providing replacement filters to your door every other month.

Why Change Air Filters Regularly?

Air filters prevent dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander and other contaminants from circulating through your air ducts and into the rooms of your home. Over time, particles accumulate on the filter surface, causing resistance that can reduce airflow. Dirty filters also become less efficient at capturing additional contaminants. By replacing filters every 1-2 months as recommended, you’ll:

– Maintain better indoor air quality: Fresh filters remove more particles, keeping indoor air cleaner.

– Protect HVAC equipment: Clogged filters put strain on your HVAC system and can shorten its lifespan. New filters keep air flowing properly.

– Improve energy efficiency: Clean filters allow air to move freely through your HVAC system, putting less strain on components like the blower motor. This saves energy and money.

– Reduce health issues: Removing more dust, pollen and other allergens from the air can alleviate problems for people with allergies, asthma or respiratory conditions.

When to Swap Out Used Air Filters

Many experts recommend changing out air filters every 30-60 days for optimal home air quality and HVAC protection. Check your filters at least monthly to see if they appear visibly dirty or clogged with particulate buildup. If airflow seems reduced, that’s another sign it could be time for new filters.

Seasonal factors can also impact filter life. In spring and summer when windows are open more, additional pollen and dust may enter the home. Pets can track in more debris during muddy seasons. Filters may need changing more often to keep up with heavier concentrations of particles during these times of year.

How Our Air Filter Program Works

As part of our commitment to providing a healthy indoor environment, our home filter delivery program brings replacement HVAC filters right to your door every other month. Here’s how it works:

– Convenient delivery: Every two months, you’ll receive the quantity of filters needed for your home’s HVAC system.

– High-quality filters: We supply effective and durable pleated filters rated MERV 8 or higher to suit most residential HVAC systems. These capture a wide range of airborne particles from large to microscopic.

By eliminating the errand of shopping for replacement filters, our program makes upkeep simple. Having the right filters automatically on hand when it’s time to swap them out takes the hassle out of maintaining cleaner, healthier indoor air.

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

Indoor air is often more polluted than the air outdoors, according to EPA estimates. We spend most of our time inside homes, offices, schools and other buildings, making clean indoor air vital for our comfort and health.

Taking simple steps like more frequent air filter replacement goes a long way towards creating a healthier indoor living environment and helps your HVAC function to it’s best ability!